Indicators for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

International Expert Conference
September 3rd - 4th 2012, Bern

Indicators for ESD Conference 2012

Feedback ESD Indicators

The participants were asked to give a feedback on the the following three questions about the ESD indicators:

Which of the assumptions and (causal) relationships the proposed ESD indicators are based upon do you think are the least ascertained and therefore should be investigated in a first priority in order to improve their empirical basis?

The proposed ESD indicators are mainly operationalized through input criteria only: which output criteria do you consider could be realistically expected for the years to come?

Which enlargements of the ESD indicator set should be tackled first?

Contact Information

esd quality, Research Group Inter-/Transdisciplinarity

University of Basel
Program Man-Society-Environment (MGU)
Vesalgasse 1
CH-4051 Basel