Indicators for ESD Conference 2012
Dr. habil. Maik Adomßent
Institute for Environmental & Sustainability Communication (INFU), Leuphana University, Germany
Prof. Dr. Inka Bormann
Arbeitsbereich Erziehungswissenschaft, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
Søren Breiting
Aarhus University, Department of Education, Denmark
Dr. Antonietta Di Giulio
Interdisciplinary Centre for General Ecology (IKAÖ), University of Bern, Switzerland
Dr. Jana Dlouha
Charles University Environment Center, Czech Republic
Dr. Friedrun Erben
Evangelische Trägergruppe für gesellschaftspolitische Jugendbildung, Germany
Jürgen Forkel-Schubert
Freie Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt (BSU), Germany
Dr. Evi Frei
Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Austria
Dr. Laima Galkute
Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre, Lithuania
Sveva Grigioni Baur
Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Ulla Härkönen
University of Eastern Finland, Savonlinna Campus, Finland
Dr. Benedikt Hauser
State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER), Switzerland
Dr. Christa Henze
Zentralstelle für Umwelterziehung, Universität Essen, Germany
Stefanie Hof
Swiss Coordination Centre for Research in Education, Switzerland
Dr. Thomas Hoffmann
Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport, Baden Württemberg, Germany
Prof. Dr. Charles Hopkins
UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Teacher Education Towards Sustainability, Canada
Leszek Iwaskow
Her Majesty's Inspector, National Adviser for Geography, Ofsted, United Kingdom
Dr. Rolf Jucker
Stiftung Umweltbildung Schweiz (SUB), Switzerland
Prof. em. Dr. Ruth Kaufmann-Hayoz
Interdisciplinary Centre for General Ecology (IKAÖ), University of Bern, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Lenelis Kruse-Graumann
Institute of Psychology, Heidelberg University, Germany
Prof. Dr. Gregor Lang-Wojtasik
Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten, Erziehungswissenschaft, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Clemens Mader
Visiting Professor for Environment and Sustainability in the Region, Leuphana University, Germany/Austria
Andreas Markurth
Niedersächsisches Kultusministerium, Germany
Dr. Franziska Meyer
Stab Universitätsleitung, University of Bern, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Gerd Michelsen
Institute for Environmental & Sustainability Communication (INFU), Leuphana University, Germany
Prof. Dr. Heike Molitor
Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany
Susanna Mühlethaler
Foundation for Education and Development, Switzerland
Dr. Gayane Poghosyan
Ministry of Education and Science, Armenia
Dr. Christian Pohl
Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net), Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Erich Ramseier
Pädagogische Hochschule Bern, Zentrum für Forschung und Entwicklung, Switzerland
Luca Reggiani
Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland
Corinne Ruesch Schweizer
Interdisciplinary Centre for General Ecology (IKAÖ), University of Bern, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Ilga Salïte
Daugavpils University, Faculty of Education and Management, Latvia
Anita Schneider
Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland
Prof. em. Dr. William Scott
Department of Education, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Dr. Regina Steiner
Umweltdachverband, University of Salzburg, Austria
Marco Stricker
Jugendamt, Koordination Gemeinwesenarbeit, Switzerland
Pierre Varcher
Formation des enseignants du secondaire, Université de Genève, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Marika Veisson
Tallinn University, Estonia
Prof. Dr. Doris Wastl-Walter
Vice-Rector for Quality, Responsible for Sustainable Development, University of Bern, Switzerland
Dagmar Winzier
Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Germany